bharat charo andolon

 The Bharat Chhodo Andolan, also known as the Quit India Movement, was a significant milestone in India's struggle for independence from British colonial rule. It was a mass civil disobedience movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress on August 8, 1942.

At that time, India had been under British rule for nearly 200 years, and the demand for independence had been growing stronger. The Quit India Movement was a culmination of the frustration and anger felt by Indians towards British oppression, economic exploitation, and denial of political rights.

The call for the Bharat Chhodo Andolan was given by Mahatma Gandhi during the All India Congress Committee meeting held in Mumbai. He emphasized the need for total non-cooperation with the British administration and called for "Do or Die" action to achieve freedom.

The main objective of the movement was to force the British government to grant immediate independence to India.